Disclosure under paragraph 5 TMG
Inhaber: Maria Gerikoglou
Dörnweg 23
65760 Eschborn
E-Mail: info@pelzankauf.de
Tel: 06196-9729079
Steuer-Nr: 4685730447
Umsatzsteuer ID: DE 327606662
Beschwerdeverfahren via Online-Streitbeilegung für Verbraucher (OS): http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/.
Wir sind nicht bereit und nicht verpflichtet an einem Streitbeilegungsverfahren vor einer Verbraucherschlichtungsstelle teilzunehmen.
Owner: Maria Gerikoglou
Doernweg 23
65760 Eschborn
E-Mail: info@furscouter.eu
Phone: 0049 6196 9729079
Fax: 061969729071
Tax-Number: 4682103997
Tax-ID: DE 111910864
Platform of the European Commission for Online Dispute Resolution: www.ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr
24h Service Hotline
0049 1805 234629
(mon-fri 9-12 am | 3-6 pm; 14 cents / min German landline; max 42 ct / min from mobile)
E-Mail: info@furscouter.eu
In addition to our telephone and email service, we offer you to use our FAQ / Help section.
You can find answers to frequently asked questions. FAQ / Help
In addition to our telephone and email service, we offer you to use our Q&A/ Help section.
Here you can find answers to frequently quesitons. Q&A/ Help
Appoinments are assigned exclusively to the online appointment calendar, not under the service hotline or via e-mail.
I want to arrange an appoinment now
Use our online support - you cna finde it at the bottom left on our website. Quick and easy to understand, we will answer your questions there.
Our service staff can only provide informations about your furs after having examined the furs personally. How to get to those fast purchase offers is explained on our website.
Please understand that we answer your questions regarding our offer exclusively by phone.
Please hold your valuation-number ready.
Service Hotline: 01805 234629 (mon-fri 9-12 am | 3-6 pm; 14 cents / min German landline; max 42 ct / min from mobile)
Still uneasy about our quote?
Please understand that we answer your questions regarding our offer exclusively by phone.
Please hold your valuation-number ready.